Dwarf OakenGuard

The personal bodyguard of the thane of Oakenhammer, the renowned OakenGuard. Hand picked from the most valiant warriors or most trusted family members, these dwarfs are equipped at the thane's expense with the finest armour and weaponry of the hold. In return, they...

Metal High Elves

It's twenty-five years since I bought my first copy of Warhammer Fantasy Battle! It was the fourth edition of the game rules, but the first time that a boxed set containing two starter armies had been released. I can remember playing my first game with my two brothers...

More Vikings To Invade

It's my birthday next month - the ideal excuse to add to my collection of vikings. I have been watching the range of V&V Miniatures expand over the past couple of years, and they have got more and more impressive each time. Now seems a good time to make an order with...

River Skirmish

South Bank Viking bondi advance under Danish arrow fire Another game from our Age of the Wolf campaign. This was a strange though inevitable situation of having two players controlling four factions - my Vikings facing off against my Danes. Matt took the Danes and we...

More Picts WIP

Eight more Picts recruited to the fledgling Saga force. These are Mierce Miniatures, metal figures from the Erainn (Irish) range - though currently only resin are available on the website. As they have great weapons, I am intending using these as hearthguard, so two...