Viking archers

It's good to finally have these painted and crossed off the list. I started them in the first week of the year, then got distracted by many other projects before finally knuckling down to get the job done. I find historical figures particularly challenging to paint as...

A Little Diversion

Over the Easter weekend I was mostly working on my dwarfs and some commission painting - painters don't really get holidays. But with all the bunny stuff around, I suddenly remembered this little chap in my stash. It's a raging heroes model, part of a kickstarter I...

Easter WIP

"That goblin nicked our Easter eggs!" At Easter time our thoughts naturally turn to adorable little creatures spreading joy and happiness throughout the world. And here they are, not quite hopping around, more stomping and grumbling, but still so lovable. It's early...

Durgin Forge Dwarf Review

I have been hunting around for a suitable model to become thane of my Oakenhammer force - and I think I have found him. This is a resin figure from Durgin Paint Forge, a small company making high quality resin figures at reasonable prices. I first came across them on...


A unit of Picts for Saga gaming. The Picts are one of the factions in the Arthur and Aetius supplement, which I hope we will get to play one day. They could also be played as Scots or even Irish from the Dark Ages supplements. In Fantastic Saga, I reckon they would...