Atlantis Miniatures Kickstarter

The Atlantis Miniatures Dwarf Kickstarter is now live. I pledged within the first few minutes, being a massive dwarf fan. Not that dwarfs are massive of course, or me for that matter, it's my fandom that is of huge proporions. I pledged for the V2 level, which gives a...

Atlantis Miniatures free shipping

It's a great time to be a hobbyist, there's so much choice out there. Maybe too much at times, sometimes it feels like being overwhelmed by all the goodies on offer. One company that I noticed last year was Atlantis Miniatures, who ran a kickstarter for orcs, goblins...

An Embarrassment of WIPs

I seem to be stuck in an endless cycle of assembling, priming and half-painting stuff! This photo is pretty embarrassing, showing most of the figures I have started this year. On the left, some recently assembled Tau. Front of centre, some Mierce Albain - intended for...

Happy Birthday Joe

Judge Dredd is 40! More specifically, it's the fortieth anniversary of comic 2000ad - the first issue was February 26th, 1977. Technically, Judge Dredd only appeared in the second issue, but I'm not gonna argue with him if he wants a cake, or cigar, or whatever Mega...

A New Direction

Things have been fairly quiet here on the blog for the past few months. One reason for this is that I have a lot of commission work ongoing - by the time the weekend arrives I have very little energy for my own projects. I have also fallen into a bit of a rut,...