A game of 40K

It's been a while, but I finally managed to squeeze in a game, around at the dungeon. I wanted to give 40K another try - I have played it a few times and never quite seen the appeal, but with such a huge player base I reckon there must be something there right? I have...

Champion of Khorne WIP

It's been a long, long time since I bought a copy of White Dwarf. Well before the End Times and the destruction of the Warhammer Fantasy world, which was my main interest, I had given up on the magazine. The hobby content withered and so did my interest. I think the...

The Glass Cabinet : Wargames Miniatures Painting group

I have been a longtime member of a few forums, most notably the Warhammer Forum (which grew from the Warhammer Players Society Forum). In recent years my tastes have changed and diversified and I now belong to about half a dozen, posting every now and then, mostly in...

Painting a Hill

Painting terrain is a nice break from the usual grind of soldiers. It's possible to blast through in a couple of hours, especially on a nice sunny day when you can dry each of the stages in the garden. I dug out a plastic hill to see just how fast it could be done....

More Anglo-Danes

The second half of the Anglo-Dane starter force is complete. Though just half the size of the first contingent, these are the elite warriors of the force. They have the best equipment and best armour. These are the highly trained, professional soldiers of their era,...