Shield Transfers Review

I have resisted using shield (or banner) transfers in the past, for two reasons. Firstly, I think they are expensive! Secondly and more importantly, everybody seems to use them and you can feel a bit of shield transfer fatigue when you browse through images on various...

Speed Painting Dark Ages figures

As I mentioned at the start of this project, I was keen to blitz through these Danes as quickly as possible. These are speed painted, but I still aim to achieve a nice finish. Cleaning, assembling and basing the figures took about two hours. After that, each of these...

Dragon Rampant : Rohan vs Isengard

It's been a while since I rolled any dice, but over the weekend I managed to squeeze in two games using the Dragon Rampant rules. I can just about field 4 units plus a leader with my Rohan collection, easily matched by my more numerous orcs collection. This meant...

Anglo Danes WIP

My hobby time over the past month or so has been, much like the English summer, a complete washout. Commission painting, holidays and Total War Warhammer have all taken their toll. Combined with my decision earlier in the year to paint dwarfs to a high standard, I...

Dwarf Warfare

Osprey Publishing are probably best known for their huge range of military history books, but recently they have branched out into gaming and adventure books. Being a dwarf collector and gamer, I picked up one of the warfare books (the other two being on orcs and...