Oathmark Goblins Painted

The first unit of the year painted - these are the new plastic Oathmark goblins, plus a metal promotional figure as leader. My main aim when painting them was to do so speedily and to follow the same style and palette as my Mordor orcs. So these are mostly just a base...


Happy New Year! Here's hoping that 2018 is a happy and productive hobby year. For one reason and another, last year was not my best hobby year. In terms of painting, gaming and posting to the blog, it was poorer than many a previous year. I am happy to draw a line...

X.VII – Men, Elves, Dwarfs and so much more

It's time for another look back on the ten years I have been blogging. 2014 was an excellent year to be sure and I had lots of painted items to choose from. At the start of the year I painted up a block of 36 skeletons for my Vampire Counts army, quickly followed by a...

Three Wise Men

Three Wise Men, Middle Earth style - and another three for Beardecember! Scholars of Tolkien lore will no doubt know that five wizards are sent to Middle Earth to help in the fight against Sauron, though only three take part in the unfolding events. These three...

More Bleak Fell Guardians

The second set of Bleak Fell Guardians are almost finished. I say almost because I am not happy with the cloaks, especially the front centre example. And the shields are a bit rushed and could benefit from a little more attention. But for the time being, they are...