Daemons run down translated from German

OST here and as the Daemons codex starts to get very close and the rumors go from jello to semi-solid, I want to start getting what is available out. With that said here is a supposedly (poor) translation of the codex basics.Google translation from German to English...

A War Without End: Heldrake vs Wraith’s!

OST here with a quick overnight War Without End post! Tonight we are looking at some footage from the Test Game Arena, AKA the home made table Wolfson and I made to play 40k in the house. I love to take photos during games when I get the chance and this one was great....

Adepticon Primers are Up and Other News

Old School here with a little update for those of you who will be attending Adepticon for the 40k side of things! I am posting this because I know as well as anyone how the little things get away from us on the way from pre-reg to the event, so let's take a look....