New Dark Angels Codex Thoughts: Troops!

Old School here to continue my initial thoughts and ramblings on the New Dark Angels Codex. Since I have already covered HQs and Elites (and since I need to keep it brief, haha), I will talk about the troops today. The Dark Angels, while having a ton of FOC swapping...

New Dark Angels Codex Thoughts Part 2: The Elites!

Old School here to continue the talk I started yesterday concerning the new Dark Angels codex. We talked about HQs and my initial thoughts and today we will continue with the Elites section. No discussion about Dark Angels Elites would be complete without talking...

New Dark Angels Codex Thoughts Part 1: HQ

OST here to talk about my initial thoughts on the new Dark Angels codex, since we didn't recieve any new, original tutorials this week. I would like to note how spoiled I have been with the last three codices released being relevent to me! I think it has been...