by Orlygg Jafnakol | Jan 20, 2017
This blog's author with Kevin. A top bloke! Kevin Adams contacted me this week with some very sad news. I will had over to the Goblinmaster to explain what has happened and why the Oldhammer Community is involved, albeit in a very small (but positive)...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Jan 15, 2017
It's been a long time since I posted anything here, and longer still since paint met brush at my work station. My absence from anything Oldhammer, beyond a few minor admin duties online, has been far too long and has been caused by illness. At least I now know what is...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Dec 30, 2016
If you could pick one defining product from GW's history, what would it be? I suppose that would depend on what you would consider 'defining' to actually mean, for me at least, the word refers to that singular release which, for what ever reason, outshines all of the...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Dec 11, 2016
Hello all. I have to make the seasonal confession of having achieved nothing over the last month or so Oldhammerwise. I have just been too busy with Church services (for work), Christmas nativities (for work), Christingles (for work), weddings (for family), visits...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Nov 30, 2016