Workbench Woes and Solving the Problem of Mess

My total painted collection in 2013, and this includes everything I painted from 2004 onwards in my pre-Oldhammer days. The ironing board is not a Citadel release. Despite Warhammer's reputation for social ineptitude, most Oldhammerers I meet are married career...

WFRP’d: The View from the Design Studio

In my last post I began to chronicle the 30th anniversary of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and judging by your response this looks to be a popular series of blog posts. Today, I want to delve into a curious little article published in late '86 in our beloved White Dwarf...

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: 30th Anniversary

This month is Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay's 30th anniversary. Way back when, in October 1986 Games Workshop's own roleplaying game slipped loose it's rancid moorings to set sail across the world, and its been spreading it's peculiar chaotic illumination ever since....

Macrocosm Multi-Part Dwarf Crowdfund

Chris Nicholls, of Macrocosm, asked me to share with you his latest kickstarter. It is a quaint little project which hopes to produce not-so-quaint multi-part dwarfs. There are distinct whiffs of the Perry Brothers and the late, great Wayne England about these models,...