Epic Memories

I don't spend much time online now, not like I did a few years ago. Social media, for me at least, has descended into a morass of uneducated, moronic swathes endlessly spouting their 'opinions' as the only obvious truth. And having grown tired of clickbait,...

Limited Edition Zoat

February is rarely inspiring here in England. The weather being generally wet, cold and grey skied. This morning seems to be a slight exception, with a brightish light flooding through my window and shining across my parlour room table. I am not the only one up and...

Snotling Pump Wagon

I had a bit of luck a few days ago, I located the missing handcrack from this model among a collection of Warhammer bric-a-brac. Truth be told, I was concerned that I had lost it during the move as this was the last model I worked on at my previous...

McDeath: Markul Grimmock

Another weekend, another opportunity to get back into the swing of things. Actually, I am fibbing a little here, as some of this model was started in the week but I managed to complete the model this morning. Having painted oodles of barbarian types over the years...