by orlygg | Jun 7, 2014
BRING OUT YOUR LEAD! 2014The Oldhammer community are pleased to officially announce Oldhammer - Bring Out Your Lead! (2014). Of course, you've heard about it already. But this is the official announcement, so now you can officially start panicking about how...
by orlygg | May 30, 2014
Here is my entry in the latest Chico's Challenge. A Realm of Chaos era Chaos dwarf Bazooka team. Now, if you are not aware of who (or, indeed, what Chico is) then I heartily recommend that you pop over to his website here. Oldhammer on a Budget says exactly what it...
by orlygg | May 30, 2014
Regular readers will know that my output is often sporadic, but has seen a slight increase in recent days. Well, this is due to it being half-term this week, and me being a teacher, I can spare an extra few moments to write up articles for fellow old school Citadel...
by orlygg | May 29, 2014
Last September I started work on tracking down Fraser Gray, the unique and mysterious miniature painter who dominated the scene in the mid to late '80s, even winning the first GW painting competition, then called The Master Painter! I spoke to a several people who...
by orlygg | May 29, 2014
My last couple of articles have been based on research from White Dwarf 116, published in August 1989, and in my opinion, the heart of the golden age of GW. Many games are mentioned within its pages; Blood Bowl, 40k, Warhammer, Space Hulk, Space Marine and so on....