by orlygg | Apr 19, 2014
Its the Easter Holiday here in the United Kingdom. That means a four day weekend for most, and the tail end of a two week break for us teachers. Subsequently, all the 'jobs' required by the 'non-leadhead' have by now been accomplished and sometime can be invested in...
by orlygg | Apr 17, 2014
Having just finished a small group of elves as part of my Warhammer Bestiary project, I am keen to start another painting challenge. Of course, I could just get cracking on the Fimir which is next in line, and well I might, if it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of...
by orlygg | Apr 16, 2014
Its been a while since I last painted any models in my Warhammer Bestiary project. If you don't remember what I was trying to do, I was attempting to paint an example of every model listed in the Warhammer Third Edition bestiary. I had made some pretty decent progress...
by orlygg | Apr 15, 2014
I have been after this particular miniature for many years. He is the final Enemy Within character that I need to complete the collection that was released in support of the early Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay supplements. I had an idea some time again that required...
by orlygg | Apr 14, 2014
Hello dear readers and welcome to a new irregular series for Realm of Chaos 80s. And by irregular, I mean irregular, just like all my other irregular series! With Leadspotting, I hope to be able to share with my readership some of the lesser known ranges and 'what...