The Oldhammer Blog Needs Your Support!

The Oldhammer Blog Needs Your Support!

Today has had some surprising news. The old Oldhammer Blog that was set up as a precursor to the Internet Forum and the Facebook Group trends second when you search the term 'oldhammer' itself. This posed an issue or two for those of us interested in promoting the...

Owl and Weasel: Silver Lodge Interview with Ian Livingstone

Owl and Weasel: Silver Lodge Interview from Paul Maclean on Vimeo.I thought this worth a share on Realm of Chaos 80s. It was posted on the Oldhammer Facebook group and is well worth a watch. Without giving too much away, its an interview with Ian Livingstone detailing...
Chaos Scribe: An Interview with Mike Brunton

Chaos Scribe: An Interview with Mike Brunton

Over a year ago now, I set out to interview some of the people involved in the Realm of Chaos project. At that time, I thought I might get one or two people interested and perhaps get a paragraph or two of information out of them. Little did I realize that the project...
Realm of Chaos 80s: Two Years On!

Realm of Chaos 80s: Two Years On!

Its been a strange road. What started out as a desperate attempt to avoid doing any school work one Sunday afternoon in February 2012 turned into a blog that has been subsequently viewed over 500,000 times. Half a million page views? I would never have imagined...