‘Oldhammer’ Style Miniatures on the Horizon?

‘Oldhammer’ Style Miniatures on the Horizon?

No, this isn't an unused piece of concept art from the Realms of Chaos books of yore. I know it does resemble some of the seminal work that those two books contain and you may be wondering why? The answer is simple, its a piece of concept art by Anthony Ackland, the...
The Chaos All-Star: An Interview with Phil Lewis

The Chaos All-Star: An Interview with Phil Lewis

Regular reader's will probably remember the interview with Andy Craig I did this time last year. During our discussions, Andy told us about life in 'Eavy Metal, within the famous, and highly creative, GW studios of the mid to late 1980s. Like Andy explained in his...
How to use Dettol to best clean up painted miniatures

How to use Dettol to best clean up painted miniatures

From reading varies online forums and social network accounts, I can see that Dettol is becoming an increasingly popular method with which to strip the paint from wargames miniatures. Part of this is probably due to the novelty of something so familiar and trivial...