Slaaneshi Champion: Adolphus Tiberius Lewdflail

Slaaneshi Champion: Adolphus Tiberius Lewdflail

With my work done for two weeks and the Christmas holidays beginning today after a rather quiet weekend the festive painting begins in earnest. I have quite a cluttered painting table by any standards, with about ten models in various stages of completion. The theme...
A Warhammer Bestiary: Chaos Dwarf

A Warhammer Bestiary: Chaos Dwarf

Welcome back to A Warhammer Bestiary, my painting project in which I attempt to collect and paint a miniature for each entry in the WFB3 rulebook. So far so good, I have enjoyed every moment of all the miniatures I have painted thus far, and I am just about to start...

Labyrinthe: LARPing in the ’80s

Sorry about the recent bout of silence on the blog, but life has been rather hectic of late, what with the end of school and the start of the Christmas Holidays, saying I have been rushed off my feet would be a bit of an understatement. Even so, I have managed to get...
Orcnapped? The Perils of Posting Miniatures!

Orcnapped? The Perils of Posting Miniatures!

I have always stood back from trading as a way of getting my hands on miniatures. The reason? Models going missing! For some time I have just though 'hey, its me!' and just bad luck but recent events here in Essex are beginning to prove otherwise.Its seems that...