Chaos Warrior of Khorne Standard Bearer

Chaos Warrior of Khorne Standard Bearer

You may remember some time ago I embarked on an attempt to paint up a Citadelesque '80s banner. My efforts can be seen here, here and here if you are uninitiated. Well, I am happy to say that I have finally finished it and got the banner attached to a painted chaos...
Quote-o-rama: The Challenges of Casting Old Citadel Miniatures

Quote-o-rama: The Challenges of Casting Old Citadel Miniatures

Recognise this Rogue Trader Miniature?Unless you are an avid reader of Eldritch Epistles or a member of the Oldhammer Community on Facebook, probably not. It is, as far as we can tell, an unreleased, never before seen, 80s miniature by Bob Naismith.It was discovered...
Bretonnian Foot Knights

Bretonnian Foot Knights

With the paint station metaphorically red hot at the moment I was able to finish off a unit of Bretonnian foot knights yesterday. In truth, they are part of a far larger unit, as I have a second rank of five to complete and a further eight models in the range to...