Acceptable in the ’80s: The Witch Elves of Naggaroth

I am sure that you have all heard of Richard Halliwell. In my opinion, enthusiasts of GW games (and many games beyond their universes) have a great deal to owe him. A few months ago, I researched and published an article that took a look at Halliwell's incredible back...

Acceptable in the ’80s: Chaos Dwarf Ballistics

Last post I discussed, in my rambling way, my view about the 'Golden Age' of White Dwarf. That issue 107 of White Dwarf is the beginning of a very special period of the magazine. A highly creative period where we learnt about the background of the Imperium, The Horus...

White Dwarf and the Golden Age

Issue 107. The beginning of the Golden Age of White Dwarf - in my opinion anywayA 'Golden Age' in anything is always going to be subjective. Its a matter of opinion. Here at Realm of Chaos 80s (and in the wider Oldhammer Community), the 'Golden Age' of GW is...

Champions of Chaos and Warhammer Armies Errata

I return to the Realm after a rather frustrating hiatus. If you recall my situation, I had to relocate to, frankly, an unusable location though I managed to get Trigger the horse painted. My collection was inaccessible, which meant that trades, projects and eBay sales...

Two carts and a temporary relocation

Plenty of light here for painting. Nothing like a natural source.This is one of those 'I am not dead' posts. All miniature and blog related work has ceased due to a temporary change in circumstance too dull to explain here. All that needs to be said is that my usual...