Oldhammer: How to do it!

I have been asked by a number of interested parties to write a 'Beginner's Guide' to Oldhammer. I don't mind doing so and presenting the article here on my blog. However, Oldhammer is not really something that you can just buy into as, of course, its roots lie in the...

Orlygg’s Big Ones: Another Monstrous Interlude

My painted Citadel collection. Safe on the mantle but awaiting a display case! Can you help me source a decent case?My house is in turmoil as I type. The kitchen lies gutted, one of its walls lays as heap of shattered brick and the contents of the wife's cupboards now...

Where Are They Now? Elder Artworks by Tony Hough and Fangorn

Some months ago I put the word out that I was interested in tracking down the whereabouts of key pieces of '80s GW artwork. I came up trumps with the collection of Tim Pollard, who lived with John Blanche and Wayne England during our period of interest and collected...

Acceptable in the ’80s: ARCHIVE

I have had a growing number of requests to organise the articles in my History of Warhammer Third Edition; Acceptable in the '80s. I am very happy to do this, as finding things in the articles for myself was becoming a little challenging. If you are anything like me,...

Musings and Newsings

Hello once again, and welcome back to Realm of Chaos 80s. Its been a while since these fingers last typed their way through the wastes of Chaos but there has been much going on. The end of term approaches rapidly, and as any teacher will tell you, this time of year is...