’80s Roleplaying Television Programme. MUST WATCH!

Have you ever wanted to watch Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, founders of Games Workshop, playing Dungeons and Dragons with a youthful (but impressively deep voiced) Jervis, creator of Bloodbowl, Johnson and the dishevelled writer of Blackadder, Ben Elton?Well now...

Warhammer Armies: An Acceptable in the ’80s Special

Deja vu? Yes, this is the second version of this post entry. The first one was published, but somehow I managed to delete it shortly after publication. I am not entirely certain how I achieved this feat of foolishness but I did, so there you go! So I find myself...

Where are they now? The Art Collection of Tim Pollard

Some weeks ago I posed a question. You can read all about it here. Namely, what happened to the original paintings produced from classic 'Golden Age' books and box sets. Did they still exist? And if so, where are they now? We knew through research that many...