On the Tangent of Goblinoids

Chaos fills my painting area. Both literally and metaphorically. You see, I am an untidy artist who leaves paints, brushes, new lead, off cuts, half finished miniatures and more littering my table. My wife contributes further, dumping anything she considers 'not...

Share the lead: Lurkers, Realm of Chaos 80s needs you!

What a couple of weeks!I've just started a new job. I am a teacher by profession and have spent many years teaching children aged about ten or eleven. I've made the decision to have a go at teaching much younger pupils and have moved to a new school so that my new...

Bases: Your Thoughts?

The old addage of miniature painting is: 'concentrate on bases and faces' and you can pull of almost anything. Its certainly something that I thought about over the last 10 years or so of painting, before I saw the light and joined the Oldhammer Community.I'd spend...

Arcane Armorials: Painting an Oldhammer Banner Part Two

Now the last time we spoke I had left you with a banner with a completed face. This time, I aim to take you through what I did to finish off the banner design. To be honest, it ended up a little trial and error at times, remember this is the first time I have tried...