Spread the Leadplague!

From time to time I come across a choice site of Old School Citadel goodness and I feel its my duty to get the work of little known collectors some wider exposure. Leadplague is one such victim. His blog is packed with classic Citadel miniatures, from both Rogue...

Acceptable in the ’80s: White Dwarf 102

Issue 102 hit newsagents with the sound of a heavily laden renegade class pursuit vehicle colliding with a stainless steel girder. Dark Future, the game of highway warriors, was finally released onto the gaming world. That game, and its associated releases is part of...

Realm of Chaos 80s @ Salute 2013

Dan and I made the annual pilgrimage to Salute in the ExCel Centre primarily to invest in armies for a new game system. In the end we choose Saga and two Gripping Beast Warbands; Anglo Danish for me and the Jomsvikings for Dan - who loved the war dogs that came with...

eBay Job Lots: Worth the Risk?

I have been intrigued by other members of the Movement and their success with job lots on eBay. Now you may be wondering what I mean by this. I am sure that many of you are aware of the impressive haul that Stone Cold Lead made over at the Bloodforum, if not, have a...