Fantasy Miniatures: A Mine of Oldhammer Inspiration

The Chalice of Doom - the winner of the Diorama category at the first Golden Demon. Now in the collection of Bryan Ansell and photographed by Steve Casey.The ever knowledgeable Steve Casey (or Bridgend Steve, if you are that way inclined) has written a wonderful...

More Completed Miniatures for the Khorne Army

Hello all, just a quick update to share with you what I got finished this weekend. Yes, I am still working on the Khorne army and have finally stopped tinkering with Slambo. I've finished another two marauders and started work on the thug unit.What do you think of my...

Heroes for Wargames: Dioramas

Today's post sees us delve back into the essential Oldhammer reference book, Heroes for Wargames for one final time. Now most of us love dioramas though few of us have the skill and patience to produce one. The Oldhammer Movement has yet to capitalise on the concept...

Heroes for Wargames: Concept Art

Welcome back to Realm of Chaos 80s. Those of you who regularly frequent the Oldhammer Community over on Facebook may well be aware that I have recently come into the possession of this incredible book; Heroes for Wargames by Stewart Parkinson. The book, which is not a...