Goblinaid: Oldhammer Supports Kev Adams! UPDATED!

ANOTHER UPDATE FROM KEV! via GoblinAid on Facebook!"Thanks , I really appreciate what (GoblinAid) and everyone else is doing to help me , I feel bad as I've not communicated on facebook but I've never wanted to join and the best way for me to get over what happened is...

Growing Your Own: The Possibility of Oldhammer Style Miniatures?

Insert Chaos Weapon here...Recently, I have been waxing lyrical about two of the big three heavyweights of own niche of niche hobby, namely wargames scenarios and games tables.So what's the third, you may wonder?Well, if gaming in in highest form consists of creating...

Apps and the 80s: I love retro gaming

If you had asked me back in the day if I owned a tablet, I would have thought that you suspected me to be be either ill, or on drugs. I remember the fuss made during the '80s and '90s of the ACID symbol. In my school, even the suggestion that you had drawn the smiley...

‘Oldhammer Style’ Games Tables: A Lesson from History?

I recently posted some images from Marcus Ansell in which he shared with us the tables they are amassing at the Wargames Foundry for gaming sessions. They are typical of modern, contoured boards and certainly look impressive, especially when compared with my tables of...