Oldhammer: Past, Present and Future…

Hello dear readers.Here's hoping that this post finds you well, your lead pile tottering and your paint pots never dry. Today I have a few things to discuss with you all, and a few things to share, too.Turning the tablesTo start with I'd like share with you some...

The Spanish Connection: Orlygg’s Oldhammer Interview

Lots of the major players on the Oldhammer scene are posting comments about what Oldhammer means to them, how they got started in the hobby, not to mention tales about how they came back to  'light'.I felt like jumping on this bandwagon. Luckily for me, some...

Richard Halliwell:A tribute to Games Workshop’s Forgotten Genius

If any enthusiast of early British fantasy or science-fiction gaming does the tiniest bit of digging through the archives, they will quickly discover that the 'Golden Age' was spearheaded, pretty much, by the same designers. Wargaming is, and has always been, a small,...