Roll up! Roll up! Oldhammer T-Shirts by Zhu!

Tired of last year's Chaos Armour? Exhausted by the weight of arcane breastplates that grow with your mutations and cannot be removed? Unhappy with your chainmail vest? Angered by the price of leather polish? Saddened that muscular chest look is now out of fashion?If...

Oldhammer Days: Chaos Warband Conversions and Colour Schemes

Steve Casey over at the Citadel Collector has just published an excellent article that chronicles how White Dwarf supported Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness with a number of articles dealing with converting miniatures to represent different attributes. The first...

Acceptable in the 80s: Warhammer Siege

An iconic front cover if there ever was one. Ian Miller's twisted siege is packed with gruesome and unsettling imagery.  Every time you come back to this painting and actually appreciate it, you'll find something new. Hello and welcome to the latest...

Old Stuff Day: The Return of the Woes of a Wargamer’s Wife!

If you head over to bleaseworld, you can read the Bleasemiester explain what Old Stuff Day is about. To paraphrase, it means us bloggers need to post something we produced in the past that we are proud of, we think needs a second airing or a post that didn't do as...