Oldhammer Days Slanneshi Warband: Orlygg selects his miniatures

As luck would have it, I think I am going to be able to get my small warband up and running without the need to to any converting. Once I get going with a few games, I suspect that will change, but for now, here are the models that I have selected to represent each of...

Orlygg Creates his Oldhammer Day Slanneshi Warband:

I have turned my back on Khorne.There, I said it.I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to piece together a force for Gormund Clawrender, but I was just not feeling the passion. It seems that after my last RoC campaign, the pleasure god has rooted himself deep...

Oldhammer Weekender: Realm of Chaos Warbands Mass Battle Explained

It may appear that not a great deal is happening at the moment regarding the proposed Oldhammer Event at the Wargames Foundry in Nottingham late this summer. This is actually quite wrong. In between juggling demanding jobs, wives and kids and other modern hurdles, a...

The Crude, the Mad and the Rusty: A Warhammer Adventure

An iconic cover. I am sure that you will agree. Later used for Empire in Flames and lots of other lesser releases.A lighting quick pit stop for Realm of Chaos 80s today, so I can share with you this little nugget of 2nd Edition goodness from the ancient archives of...