‘Eavy Metal: Ancient Gems

Hello fellow followers of the antiquus malleus.I wonder how many of you are aware that 'Eavy Metal was not the first painting article in WD about the joys of miniature painting? That a regular series of articles predated the famous painter's column. If you were there...

The Malignancy of Malal: Lesser daemon/beast WIP

A while ago I published some rare images from Tony Ackland, namely the Malal daemon above. Now Tony is  not 100% whether or not this model shows the beast or lesser daemon, so its really going to be up to your own interpretation until someone recalls...

The Mighty Avenger: An interview with Bryan Ansell

Bryan, back in the day, with his Chaos Army as published in Warhammer Armies. Marcus Ansell has told me they hope to bring as much of this famous force to the Oldhammer Day as they can find... So fingers crossed!Few men achieve a legendary status within the pages of...