Realm of Chaos 80s: One Year Old!

Its been twelve months, 150 posts (not including this one), 925 published comments, 108,000 page views and 168 followers...And we are only a year old!That deems some sort of announcement and an outpouring of 'thank yous' to you, the readers, of this blog. After all,...

Oldhammer Day Warbands Creation and Advice

As many of you know, there are major plans afoot which should see some kind of Old School event at the Foundry in Nottingham this summer (most likely late August). One of the components of this would be a celebration of Slaves to Darkness' 25th anniversary. Many in...

Foundry Fantasy: Excellent proxies for Old School Armies

Thank the Ruinous Powers for social media.I am recovering from concussion after falling over in the ice and knocking myself out. I can' t do much save lie in bed and how off a face that makes me look like a plaguebearer. I can use my tablet for short periods and I' ve...

Chaos of the Warp Link: Great Rick Priestley Interview

Priestley in the '80 s. Buying orcs.Just a quick note to share this link with you. A fantastic interview with the legend, Rick Priestley, who discusses, among other things, his early days at Citadel Miniatures and his new Kickstarter, Beyond the Gates of Antares.Well...