The Second Golden Goblin Painting Competition Entries UPDATED!

So here we are... The deadline to the second Golden Goblin Painting Competition. I'm going to house the images here to begin with, as it is easier to transfer URLs to the Bloodforum this way.HOWEVER... Many entries have not sent separate image files and I cannot...

Slaves to Darkness 25th Anniversary Plans

Now this is art. Sibbick's work still resonates with dark power and makes a mockery of more recent 'Chaos' artwork.Did you know that Slaves to Darkness is going to be 25 years old in August? Well, if you didn't, you know now! And I feel that we need to celebrate this...

Legends of Lead: Steve Blunt

If you have any knowledge about serious miniature painting in the '80s, or the early years of the Golden Demon and were asked to name a few of the legends of that era, then Steve Blunt will no doubt be one of the names that spills from your lips. Well, quite by...