Orlygg’s New Year Resolutions… Oldhammer Style!

My wife and I have just been discussing what we are going to do for New Year! This has been an incredibly challenging year for us, and we wanted to do something that involved just us. No resolutions, just relaxation!That got me thinking about the ' Grand Plan' and my...

The Citadel Collector: More of Bryan Ansell’s Collection!

Hold the front page! I have just got wind of an update over at The Citadel Collector, with more of Bryan Ansell' s collection being photographed. A lot of this stuff is exclusive to the site, including many old favourites and some models and paint jobs I have never...

Acceptable in the ’80s: Warhammer Releases from White Dwarf 98

Welcome back to 'Acceptable in the '80s', the ongoing series that hopes to document the history of Warhammer Third Edition through its releases, supplements and miniatures. Its been a while since we last visited the pages of a classic White Dwarf, so lets delve deep...

Dungeon Floor Plans: Old School Gaming Aids and Links

In the days when your computer was impressive if its internal memory was 64k (as was my C-64), super detailed RPG worlds, such as Skyrim, existed only in the dreams of gamers. I can recall discussing computer games with a friend in the mid '80s and agreeing that I...