Old School Citadel Christmas Style

"Where's your chimney then?"HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all fellow enthusiasts of Old School Citadel. Here's hoping that you enjoy all the joys of the season and have an immensely rewarding time with your families and friends - and I hope you can sneak away for a few hours to...

The Madness Within: Little Known Gems of the Oldhammer World

There was a time when GW was not an overly serious corporate entity obsessed with itself and its own created worlds, endlessly regurgitating the same ideas with frighteningly increasing sized price tags. If you are un-sure what I mean, check out this link to a Viz...

Back to the paintbrush: What Orlygg did next?

Hello and welcome back to Realm of Chaos 80s. I have been gone awhile (and not just from this blog, it seems) and I am pleased to be back. Since the unholy combination of work, work and more work has stayed my hand from the painting, or indeed collecting, table and I...

Oldhammer Christmas Pub Quiz! General Knowledge Round!

In the immortal words of Noddy Holder, "its Chrissssstttttttmmmmmmmaaaaassssss!" And the moment I first hear that song on the radio the build up to Christmas begins for me... As does the need to decorate the front room and put up the tree, all of which I have done...