White Dwarf 119 ‘Eavy metal Special

White Dwarf 119 ‘Eavy metal Special

Hello and welcome to another 'Eavy Metal special, this time concentrating on the painted miniatures from WD119. I would like to pint out here that, for me anyway, this and the following issues stand sentinel over the greatest era for 'Eavy metal. The reasons I feel...
Acceptable in the ’80s: Marauder Boar Boyz

Acceptable in the ’80s: Marauder Boar Boyz

So we have got as far as looking at the Warhammer releases inside White Dwarf 119 in this history of Warhammer Third Edition. As you may have already read, this issue also included a fairly detailed look at the Skaven race in this article here. The now regular...
Acceptable in the ’80s: Skaven background and miniatures

Acceptable in the ’80s: Skaven background and miniatures

Just when you thought that Warhammer Third Edition was dead in the water, propped up with casual reprints from the Lost and the Damned and the monthly releases from Marauder Miniatures, White Dwarf published a completely out of the blue article of background. Not just...
The Deathfist’s Chaos Dwarf Re-enforcements

The Deathfist’s Chaos Dwarf Re-enforcements

I haven't published much of my painting recently and the reason for that is I have been hard at work finishing off these Chaos Dwarf re-enforcements for Ulthar Deathfist's Khorne army. After his drubbing at the hands of the undead, it became obvious that he would need...
Secrets of the Goblinmaster?

Secrets of the Goblinmaster?

I had an email from Kev Adams the other day with a link to the Shadowkings blog. Tony Yates, a very fine gentleman himself and propriator of said blog, posted about his visit to the new Wargames Foundry site in Newark. During his visit, Tony Yates took the...