The Perils of Buy It Now Bashing!

The Perils of Buy It Now Bashing!

I must admit that I have laughed at the ridiculous prices that many internet traders give old school Citadel products. £29.99 for a single dwarf still available from the GW website as part of a set of 8? Or £7.99 for one Bretonnian knight that can be bought brand new...
Acceptable in the ’80s: The First Warhammer Novels

Acceptable in the ’80s: The First Warhammer Novels

Many readers maybe surprised that GW's ambitions towards literature did not begin with the Black Library. Its a topic that I have covered before in the very early days of this blog and if you are after a swift overview of GW Books as they were in the 1980s have a...
‘Eavy Metal Special: White Dwarf 117

‘Eavy Metal Special: White Dwarf 117

Mick Beard is a name that will be familiar to old school 'Eavy Metal enthusiasts like me everywhere and long term readers of '80s white Dwarf will be well aware of his work. White Dwarf 117 kicks off its miniature painting articles with a lovely spread of his models...
Oldhammer @ Slayer Gaming Mansfield

Oldhammer @ Slayer Gaming Mansfield

Getting together for a game of Third Edition (or indeed first or second) is getting easier and easier. As the Oldhammer Community expands, more and more enthusiasts are becoming involved. For the majority its simply a case of enjoying the output published continually...