40k Project: Nurgle Daemons Reboot! Part1

As you may know I listed my Nurgle (mostly) Daemon army up on eBay shortly after I won second best army with it at Anime Expo two weekends ago.  Winning with an army that I felt wasn't completely finished inspired me to finally get to work on all the Nurgle Daemons I...

West Coast Store Wars this Weekend in Pasadena!

This weekend will mark the first annual West Coast Store Wars.  It is a Warmahordes weekend organized by Game Empire Pasadena that will run from Friday, meet and greet day, through Sunday.  At the end of the weekend a Store/Club will be crowned the victor of Store...

Anime Expo 40k Tournament Wrap Up!!

So after the first day and being one of three undefeated players at Anime Expo I walked in to play and was assigned the top table against Janthkin from Dakka and his Daemon army.  Yep, Daemons on Daemons!  More after the break including pictures! Janthkin ran a pretty...