New 40k Campaign Book!?

Well, it would seem GW is capable of keeping secrets after all...  Who would have thought that after all the supposed lid tightening over the last 2 years, which were still chalk full of leaks and rumors, that GW would actually be good at keeping the lid on things....

6th Edition Workbench: CHAOS!

For this edition of my 6th Edition Workbench I am focusing on what I built Saturday when I was supposed to be at the tournament... Yes, I didn't make it after all.  However there was quite a bit of time on Saturday for me to ruminate over the new CSM codex and what I...

1750 List for Tournament on Saturday

Haven't posted anything of value in a while.  Probably because I haven't done anything of note in gaming for over 4 weeks.  I sold two of my extraneous armies on ebay, but that doesn't really count.  I have found my hobby time has become very slim now that I have two...

2 Awesome 40k Armies for Sale!

Well, it's that time again.  Time for me to unload some miniatures in a major way!  I am selling the remainder of my Space Wolves and my Grey Knights army.  While I loved playing Space Wolves I am just plain tired of them and the Grey Knights were fantastic but I have...

Space Marine Rumors!?

There has been quite a flood of Space Marine rumors on the different forums courtesy of Stickmonkey. According to the Dakkadakka rumor monger accuracy thread he has a 60% accuracy rating. So he isn't just throwing sh*t around randomly like a monkey and hoping it...