Oh GW… Are You Really Trying to be Bought?

First I will apologize for my first post back after a long absence being a rant about GW.  But it's my blog and you don't have to read it, so in reality I am not that sorry... I plan to do a few posts in December about the Eldar army I am building now and plan to ship...

White Scars and Salamanders? White Scars and Salamanders.

With the new Space Marine codex out for a while now and a nice pile of Forge World and 3rd party bits lying around for a few years I finally got inspired to do something hobby wise.  While I have been working to get a 2 day 40k GT in Pasadena next year with Dis and...

Haven’t Posted in a Month!?

I can't believe I haven't posted in a month.  Then I think about what I have been doing and I realize, yes I can actually believe that.  Having not posted on here you may think I have been dormant gaming wise as well but that is far from the truth!  I have been...