Tank Shock. You’re Doing It Wrong. By TFG Radio.

Those of you in the know, ie you know us IRL or you listen to TFG Radio or you follow important developments in 40k, already have heard that Tank Shock is actually a big deal now. Most of us, yes me too, have been playing it like it was in 5th and 6th but it's...

Capture and Control Video Battle Reports Return!

Travis, disdainful, from TFG Radio and I sat down last weekend to play a nice game of 40k. Two cheese ball lists of doom faced on in a 1850 point game using ITC missions. Watch the video to see how it went! Travis (Disdainful): The Necrons that don't die. John...

From the Ashes of Defeat a Phoenix Rises? Hmmm…

If you read my write up on the Hammer of Wrath GT you'll know I am putting a major overhaul on my list. A few ideas have been kicking around on my Army Builder. One includes a Captain on bike and bike squad so I decided to finally finish off the Captain I'd started a...

Hammer of Wrath GT Wrap Up!

We're going to need a few of these next time around... Thanks Reece and Frankie for showing this to me. The inaugural Hammer of Wrath GT has come and gone! Cooper Waddell was the only undefeated player over the course of 2 days and 5 rounds, taking home a ticket to...

Hammer of Wrath GT Tomorrow! I’m Playing Iron Hands? WTF!?

I've been an almost religiously devout player of Salamanders in 7th edition thus far. Those who follow this Blog or know me IRL know I am a devotee to the XVIII Legion and their Promethean Cult. However, with the Hammer of Wrath GT tomorrow I am switching chapters and...