by OverwatchCNC | Apr 12, 2015
My army for the day! 2k Silvermanders and Red Wolves. Game Empire Pasadena had their monthly tournament yesterday, Saturday April 11, and it was a huge success. With over 30 players in attendance it is becoming clear that GE is the place to come for local 40k...
by OverwatchCNC | Apr 11, 2015
Here are the pictures of the finished models I posted yesterday. All ready for the tournament today at Game Empire Pasadena. Remember, I will live post to the Capture and Control Facebook page after each round today, so if you're interested in updates about my...
by OverwatchCNC | Apr 10, 2015
Here is a quick update of what I've been up to. I've been playing quite a bit and painting a lot in preparation for the tournament at Game Empire Pasadena tomorrow. It will be a big one, now that the events are all ITC the crowd, which is always strong, has grown. I...
by OverwatchCNC | Mar 26, 2015
You probably already saw this elsewhere on the internet but in case you didn't! I can't wait to field a Khorne Lord in Blood Forged Armor with the Axe of Ruin. I guess I need to buy that awesome new Bloodthirster model after all...
by OverwatchCNC | Mar 19, 2015
GMM Studios posted up pictures of this Golden Throne by Brandon Palmer over on Dakka Dakka. The pictures of the model as well as the text descriptions going along with it are truly amazing. If you're a fan of 40k in any sense, or were at anytime in your life you do...