Tournament Report and Round Up, Picture Heavy :)

Saturday, March 14th, saw the third 40k tournament of the year for Game Empire Pasadena, my second tournament of the year, and the first ITC event held at GE! It was a great day, with 20 total players and a myriad of armies ranging from the new Harlequins, and a new...

TFG Radio Episode 8 is Up!

Normally Disdainful, Travis, will post these up but I think he may have forgotten so here it goes! This is a great episode. Danny is a special guest this time around discussing Harlequins, Knights, and prepping for the Broadside Bash!  Check it out. TFG Facebook Page...

Painting Kit Bashed Legion of the Damned Part 2!

I made a lot of progress last night and this afternoon. My daughter is sick so I stayed home from work with the kids today, naturally I painted when they napped rather than do responsible adult things like clean or make dinner... Anyway I have these guys almost done...

Painting Kit Bashed Legion of the Damned! Flames are Fun ;)

I've been wanting to add Legion of the Damned (LotD) to my Salamanders list for a while now. I bought a box of Tactical Marines and a box of Chaos Marines specifically for this purpose. I don't want to shell out a small fortune for the GW models plus getting all the...

Terrain Build and Paint Night at the FLGS!

We did a terrain build and repair night at Game Empire Pasadena last night, Tuesday, and it was a blast. It was cool to hang out on 40k night and give a lot of the terrain in the store some TLC and work on new stuff. One item was the large Space Marine statue. I've...