LVO Practice Game and 40k Deep Thoughts.

Hey, were did all those Pink Daemons go? Tuesday I played a game against Adam from TFG radio. Adam is attending the LVO this year which I sadly can't attend, I suppose a cruise to Mexico with vast amounts of alcohol and gambling isn't too bad a consolation ;) Adam has...

Blood Angels and White Scars Bromance.

With the Blood Angels files being added to Army Builder I finally sat down to play with them as allies.  I wasn't sold on Space Wolf allies for White Scars or Salamanders.  I find that a single CAD of either all Salamanders in Drop Pods or all White Scars on Bikes and...

First Tournament In Almost A Year. I’d Say It Went Well.

Game Empire Pasadena had their first tournament of 2015 today, Saturday January 10th, and I figured since my last tournament was the LVO almost a year ago and my last tournament at Game Empire was November of 2014 I should get into the store and game a bit.  Note, it...