7th Edition Workbench: Painting 9 Drop Pods is a NIGHTMARE!

Who the F$%K wants to play a full Drop Pod army?  Let me rephrase.  Who, that cares about painted armies and paints them themselves, wants to play a full Drop Pod army?  This guy I guess.  I have been trying to take 9 Drop Pods from Silver Spray paint from Army...

7th Edition Workbench! Space Marines/Space Wolves

While this blog may have become more dormant than it used to be I have been busy modeling and painting.  I am currently working on a Space Marine and Space Wolf army.  It will be used as either so I chose a generic silver based color scheme.  It is Drop Pod heavy and...

Forgeworld is Finally Releasing What I’ve Always Wanted!

Can't wait!  I've wanted a Vulkan model for a long, long time.  I even bought a Kabuki Miniatures version of him a long while back but wasn't satisfied with it.  This however looks just right to me.  FW continues to knock the Primarch models out of the park with these...