The Fate of Konor: Week Two

If you play Warhammer you’ve probably heard about the Fate of Konor campaign going on this summer. You can play battles with your friends and log them at your local store. The results of this campaign will affect the actual Warhammer 40,000 story. So if Chaos...

First Game of 8th Edition 40k

Mark and I played our first game of 8th edition Warhammer 40,000. It was Mark’s Iron Hands vs my Imperial Fists. We decided to start really simple with a simple kill points mission so we could figure out all of the new rules. Army Lists We agreed to 100 Power...

First Game of 8th Edition 40k

Mark and I played our first game of 8th edition Warhammer 40,000. It was Mark’s Iron Hands vs my Imperial Fists. We decided to start really simple with a simple kill points mission so we could figure out all of the new rules. Army Lists We agreed to 100 Power...

Only In Death

Last weekend I was able to play a game with my buddy Matt. And while we were at the store we bumped into Erik who was also looking for a game. So we made a 3 person game. Imperial Fists vs Space Wolves vs Word Bearers. Deployment We deployed into quarters. With me and...

Imperial Fists Army Hits 2,000 Points

It’s been a year & a half (technically 547 days) since I created my paint scheme for Imperial Fists. And I now have a fully painted 2,000 point army! I’ve only ever painted a full 2,000 points once before with my Nurgle Daemons. I’m pretty...