Imperial Fists vs Space Wolves

It’s been years since I fought Space Wolves. And that was in 5th edition. A new player came to the store today eager to play. And funny enough he hasn’t played since 5th edition either. So we built 1,500 point lists. I selected an easy mission (Eternal...

Imperial Fists & White Scars Versus Grey Knights

Over the last month or two I’ve introduced the game to a new friend. We’ve played Kill Team a few times and played an 850 point game. But I wanted to show him a bigger game-what you might play at the store. So we agreed to play a team game. We were able to...

Using Glazes for Flames

I’ve always been a big fan of edge highlighting. And when I was painting my Legion of the Damned I knew I could paint from red to yellow with multiple thin layers. But I wanted to try something new so I gave the Games Workshop glazes a try. I painted the the...

Game Plan for 2017

I’ve been meaning to purchase some new 40k stuff. Especially those amazing new custodes models.   But I already have so many models to paint. And I don’t want to buy stuff and then not paint it. I have a pretty limited budget so I want to make sure I...

How I Paint the Sector Imperialis

  A few months ago Games Workshop released the Sector Imperialis bases. They come in all sorts of sizes and they look pretty darn good with a mixture of dirt & city scape. Sector Imperialis Box art I’m a big fan of unique bases so I picked up a set and...