Strategies Against Genestealer Cult

Everyone in the 40k world is talking about the Genestealer Cult and how amazing they are. They have a powerful ability to appear anywhere on the board. And there’s a chance they can even assault after being placed. Pretty strong right? In missions where you have...

Imperial Fists Take Down Perturabo

Yesterday I went back to Enchanted Grounds and played another Imperial Fists (1,250) & Blood Angels (1,750) VS Iron Warriors (3,000). Lists were pretty similar with the big exception that the Iron Warriors player saved enough points to take Perturabo, primarch of...

Imperial Fists & Blood Angels VS Iron Warriors

I love having a Games Workshop here in Denver. But I wanted to try some of the friendly local game stores to play more types of games. So I went to Enchanted Grounds which is a game store & coffee shop. Amazing. I joined in a game that was about to start. And we...

30 Day Challenge – Day 29

Today I was able to get some yellow on the minis. Most of their armor is covered up but there’s a bit of yellow on every mini. Next up – the pants.