30 Day Challenge – Day 28

Got some work done on these scouts. I decided to do the cloaks with black. I like the yellow and black scheme which is more akin to their heresy scheme. Will later be adding some camo to the cloaks but first going to do all of the first layers.   

30 Day Challenge – Day 27

Today was my skip day. I’m glad I took one at the beginning of this challenge because of course something comes up. I had an all day date and took advantage of it.  Always give your self some breathing room. :)

30 Day Hobby – Day 25

Finally it was time to spray these guys. A bit windy outside which makes me wish I had a spray booth but I got it done. 10 scouts primed white ready to go.   

30 Day Challenge – Day 24

I wanted to spray paint my scouts today but as I was getting them ready I realized how messy their bases were. When I glued on the sand it was a really sloppy job and it got all over their boots. Not the end of the world but messy. I spent a little bit of time today...