30 Day Challenge – Day 23

It was too cold for spray painting today so I had to improvise something else. I might as well start cleaning up the knight scion I have.  I brushed the model clean being careful to avoid the hand that I broke earlier. He’s all clean and glued to his base...

30 Day Challenge – Day 21

I had a mild fever all day and didn’t get any sleep last night. I was supposed to play in a 1250 game against mark but had to cancel. I did technically do some hobbying. I drilled the barrels in the scouts sniper rifles.   

30 Day Challenge – Day 20

Today I finally got to start on a new project! The terminators are done. I had to brush off some static grass and I’m very happy with them for right now. Onto some scouts. I need 10 for my 1500 pt game. I got 5 used ones and 5 new ones. I spent a few hours at GW...