30 Day Challenge – Day 17

Didn’t get too much done but it was stuff that takes some time. I spray painted purity seals and other details and then glued them on. Since they’re purity seals they won’t take too much more paint.   

30 Day Challenge – Day 16

Doing pretty good. Day 16. I’m still going through some work stuff so spent a good chunk of the evening watching Sherlock. But I did get some painting done. I got the crux terminatus done and dry brushed Zamesi Desert onto the base. Also did a small highlight of...

30 Day Challenge – Day 15

I had some work drama pop up today which wasn’t too pleasant. It felt like one of those days where you just want to order take out and veg on the couch… So that’s what I did. My partner ordered Chinese and I painted until it got here. And then I...

30 Day Challenge – Day 15

I wasn’t too motivated today but I did manage to get some painting done. I painted the eyes with Caliban Green and Moot Green. I switched up the aquilas on the chest yesterday and painted them Dawnstone. Today I was able to wash it with Nuln Oil which is much...