30 Day Challenge – Day 9

Making steady work on Lysander. I don’t like my old scheme for red. It was Khorne Red followed by Squig Orange and the orange came off way to bright for my tastes. I’m going to pop over the the local GW and pick up a lighter red. Perhaps Mephiston Red?...

30 Day Challenge – Day 8

Today I continued work on Lysander adding a bunch of little details.     I layered Mopt Green over any of the Calibam Green regions.  I touched up the black and then highlighted Dawnstone on the black. I also went over the eagle on his shield with...

30 Day Challenge – Day 7

Today I not only worked on Lysander but I was able to play a game at my local Games Workshop store! First the painting.       I worked on the skin tone using my usual Bugman’s Glow -> Reikland Fleshshade -> Cadian Fleshtone trio. I...

30 Day Challenge – Day 6

I wanted to work on Lysander a bit. Added some nice red (Khorne Red) on his cape and storm shield. And I’m adding grey – a new color (Dawnstone) to my army. It felt right to add that new color for Lysander.