Freeblade Review

Hello everyone, I’ve been really excited about the release of Freeblade and from all of the trailers it looked fantastic. I decided to play around with it for a few hours and give a review. Summary Overall I give this game 4/5 stars. It’s a fun game. Who...

Escalation League List Planning

This escalation league is not just for fun but also a way to encourage me to build a fully painted 2,000 point list. Because I want to build a well balanced list I want to start with the full list and then work backwards for each month. I could of course start with a...

Escalation League

I’ve really enjoyed painting my Imperial Fists over the last couple months. And while building & painting an army on your own is fun it’s so much more fun to do it with a friend. Or two. That’s why I’ve recruited my friends Mark & Erin...

First Imperial Fists Tactical Squads

It was over a month ago when I posted my test model. It takes a lot of effort to finish two squads of marines but I got it done. I tweaked the paint job and I have a few more tweaks in mind for future squads. But first… some photos. Photos Photo credit Michael...